


The International Journal of Railway Research (IJRARE) has been  a member of Islamic World Science Citation Center (ISC) since 2014.

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The International Journal of Railway Research (IJRARE) has been  a member of Islamic World Science Citation Center (ISC) since 2014.

The International Journal of Railway Research (IJRARE) is an international medium covering significant advances and developments worldwide in the field of Railway Engineering. IJRARE is officially supported by the Center of Excellence in Railway Transportation. IJRARE is a multidisciplinary journal and is planned to be published 2 issues per year. This journal covers advances in theoretical and applied research on Under-ground and Urban Railway Systems, Rolling Stock, Railway Track and Constructions, Electrical Railway, Control and Signaling, Railway Economics, Railway Operations and Management and Railway Safety. This journal officially sponsors the International Conference on Recent Advances in Railway Engineering (ICRARE).
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The International Journal of Railway Research

2024، Volume 11، Number 2

Print ISSN: 2423-3838

Online ISSN: 2423-382X

Director-in-Charge: Prof. D. Younesian

Editor-in-Chief: Prof. M. Esmaeili

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Journal Information

  • Current Issue: 2024، Volume 11، Number 2
  • Print ISSN: 2423-3838
  • Online ISSN: 2423-382X
  • Director-in-Charge: Prof. D. Younesian
  • Editor-in-Chief: Prof. M. Esmaeili
  • Senior Editorial Associate: R.Rasekh GHaemmaghmi
  • Publisher: Iran University of Science & Technology

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