Volume 11, Issue 1 (6-2024)                   IJRARE 2024, 11(1): 49-58 | Back to browse issues page

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School of Railway Engineering, Iran University of Science & Technology
Abstract:   (472 Views)
In this study, the crashworthiness of a novel rectangular energy absorber, constructed from stainless steel SUS301L-DLT, is examined under axial and offset loadings. In this task the LS-DYNA explicit nonlinear finite element is used to construct and examine the models. To validate the numerical modeling, some results are compared to the existing experimental ones. The results of the new models demonstrate a notable enhancement in crashworthiness parameters in comparison to the original model, with the energy absorption parameter exhibiting an increase of 11.23%. Notably, the presented model demonstrates stable performance under offset loading conditions of up to 45 mm displacement. Subsequently, the thickness effect of the lozenge-shaped structure is investigated considering 11 different cases. It has been demonstrated that an increase in thickness results in a higher energy absorption capacity without an accompanying increase in the initial peak force.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Rolling Stock

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