Volume 7, Issue 2 (12-2020)                   IJRARE 2020, 7(2): 11-18 | Back to browse issues page

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Mehrzad K, Ataei S. Dynamic Effect of Different Types of Trains on Crossing Main Line Using Field Measurement. IJRARE 2020; 7 (2) :11-18
URL: http://ijrare.iust.ac.ir/article-1-272-en.html
School of Railway Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran
Abstract:   (1595 Views)
Switches are the vital elements of the rail network, and due to the discontinuity of the rail in these sections, the cost of repair and maintenance as well as the risk of an outbound event is greater than the other sections of the railroads. In this study by analyzing the data extracted from the instrumented crossing under combined traffic, after the initial processing of the signals, the characteristics of different trains were identified from the recorded data. The acceleration parameter of the switch crossing nose under train wheel passages was recorded as a measure of the intensity of the trainschr('39') impact on the crossing panel with an accelerometer mounted on the rail at the crossing nose. The results of field measurements for different trains with different speeds were compared and the feasibility of increasing speed of trains from the straight line of the switch was done assuming safe passage in the present situation of track. Based on the results of field tests, train sets up to speed 160 and passenger trains up to 115 km/h can be accelerated. Freight trains are not allowed to increase speed to maintain current situation of crossing response.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Railway track and structures

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