Research fellow, department of Civil, Architecture and Art, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Abstract: (1846 Views)
Today the most significant issue in Mega cities is Public Transport. Citizens need to be satisfied by public Transport systems to use them more frequently than their own private vehicles. In order to make progress in public Transport Systems such as Buses and Light rail, the users’ satisfaction is vitally important. There are advantages and disadvantages in every transport system, what matters more is that positive ones outcome negative ones. Hence, Systematic approach to select one of them is crucial for cities like Tehran. In this paper, it is tried to investigate the users’ preference by comparing different effective indices like Benefit to Cost analysis, Passengers satisfaction, Traffic Congestion, Environmental emissions, operational costs, and time wasting in order to have BRT and light rail, particularly Monorail and Tramway prioritized. Consequently, they are compared and analyzed with TOPSIS method on SPSS. In order to have an accurate comparison each index is investigated through a question in a questionnaire. They are carefully responded by thirty experienced public transport expert. The results showed that questionnaire has high validity. Based on the experts’ judgement, Monorail is prior to Tramway, while Tramway is prior to BRT itself.